
    According to the Federal Statistic Office, since January 2022, Cyberattacks heve benn increased in Swittzeland over 180%.
    Based on the data of this site the evolution of cybercrime is as follows.

    According to Stationx, most threat actors responsible for cyber security breaches are in it for the money. However, the last couple of years have also seen a spike in attacks that are politically or ideologically driven.

    Since 2005 till 2018, the security rate of protection software based on anticipation has discresed from 67% to 43%, Sans Institute, claims that lets that 50% of the attacks are detected from anticipation softwaare tecchniques 

    Based on these data the success rate of Anticipation software is as Follows :  

    Rmetic solution proposes three layers of security that allows a protection rate going from 86% to 96% and finally 99.99%